On this page you will find the disclaimer of www.camping-kralovec.com, as made available by Camping Královec. In this disclaimer we indicate under which reservation we offer the information on our website to you.
Version 01, date 01/12/2017
Use of the website www.camping-kralovec.com
The information that is shown on this website is only intended as information. You can not derive any rights from the information displayed. It is also not possible to claim claims, contracts or agreements based on the information shown to you and / or by using this website. We only try to show information that comes from reliable sources. However, we can not guarantee that the information shown on www.camping-kralovec.com is reliable, correct and / or up-to-date. In addition, we can not guarantee that the website www.camping-kralovec.com always works correctly or is free of viruses.
Atlantis Recreations S.R.O. tries to ensure the accuracy of the information as carefully as possible. Changes or additions are regularly made to the displayed information. Nevertheless, imperfections or errors can be published on www.camping-kralovec.com.
Intellectual property
The information on this website belongs to Atlantis Recreations S.R.O. established in Královec, CZ. You can make free use of this information as long as you do not copy or otherwise use it without express permission from Atlantis Recreations S.R.O. This applies to all text material and visual material.
<< Sie können die angezeigten Informationen kostenlos nutzen, solange Sie diese nicht zu kommerziellen Zwecken kopieren, reproduzieren, weitergeben oder anzeigen ohne die ausdrückliche schriftliche Genehmigung von Atlantis Recreations S.R.O. >>
Information from third parties
Links, text and image materials originating from third parties are used on this website. We point out that we are not liable for any errors and inaccuracies in this material. Nor can you make claims on Atlantis Recreations S.R.O. following the use of this third-party material. The content of this material is by Atlantis Recreations S.R.O. not checked for accuracy, completeness and / or topicality. The use of this content is at your own risk.
We reserve the right to make changes to the website and the disclaimer at any time without prior notice of this.
Applicable law
Only European / International law applies to this disclaimer. Disputes will be submitted to the judge of the district where Atlantis Recreations S.R.O. is registered.
Královec 68 | |
542 03 Královec | |
+420 722 515 806 | |
info(a)camping-kralovec.com | |
Reg No: 27665186 | |
Vat ID: CZ27665186 | |
50º40’36.3”N / 15º58’07.4”E | |
50.676838 - 15.968722 | |
ATLANTIS RECREATIONS s.r.o. (Eingetragen beim Amtsgericht in Hradec Kralove, Abschnitt C, Datei-Nr 23548) |